Monthly Archive: February 2025

Ballot boxed-in

When Mark Carney declared he was running for Liberal leader, I liked him. He certainly came with a potent resume. I voted for Justin Trudeau in 2015, the first time I had voted Liberal since 1968 when his father, Pierre, swept into office. I thought Carney had the potential to win the next federal election. I even toyed with the idea of voting Liberal once again. But during Carney’s first public appearance, Jon Stewart’s The Daily Show, Carney was so smarmy that I quit watching halfway through the twenty-minute interview. Ever since, whenever there’s a news clip of Carney, he...

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Hewers of wood, drawers of water

Abandon hope, all ye who enter here. If you don’t like bad news or pessimistic forecasting, read no further. I have nothing positive to say about the near-term future of the Canadian economy. Despite the homespun efforts of Canadians to buy Canadian products in grocery stores, I see only troubling signs for our economy that will almost certainly lead to a recession later this year. We may already be in one. Why do you think Ontario Premier Doug Ford called an election way before he needed to? Because he can collar another mandate before the economy tanks and he would...

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As weird as they come

I’ve been a fan of Elon Musk ever since I first read about him a few years ago in a book by Walter Isaacson. The author did his usual thorough job when he writes about a business leader like he did with Steve Jobs. I was amazed by Musk’s entrepreneurial brilliance in areas never tackled by others, at least not all at once. Just to remind, he invented and built the Tesla and soon was selling a million cars a year. He also launched SpaceX and sent dozens of rockets into space. There was even one occasion where a select...

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