The merits of mediocrity
A year ago, there were six female premiers in Canada. Now, for various reasons, there are only two. Life remains tough at the top for women in the professions, too. Of the 193 Lexpert Ranked Lawyers pictured in the ROB Magazine distributed today, only 15 per cent are women. And this in a field where for two decades women have comprised 50 per cent of the law school graduates. Some of the banks and other corporations are making progress with female director appointments following a push by the Ontario Securities Commission, but full boardroom equality remains a distant, forlorn hope.
Some women in politics are not helping the cause of the sisterhood. There have been allegations about expense account and travel fiddles made against women in three levels of government: former Alberta Premier Alison Redford, Senator Pamela Wallin, and Susan Fennell, the mayor of Brampton, Ont. All of these complaints appear to fall into the category of a sense of entitlement, a failing that catches men at the top, too. Conrad Black, Garth Drabinsky and Alan Eagleson, all of whom went to jail, come to mind.
But rather than commit major fraud, as do many men who go astray, women seem to get ensared by spending issues, just like the stereotypical female shopper. As for real equality, that day will only arrive when numerous mediocre women are promoted. Lord knows there have been too many mediocre men in charge for far too many years.
Hello Rod
Currently reading “Driven to Succeed” and enjoying it immensely. “Great Job”
I am constantly looking for biographies on business people like Hasenfratz, Stronach, Henry Ford, Edison etc. etc. Very hard to find good ones. You have to do a lot of “reading between the lines” to try to understand what the individual being written about is truly all about. If….you can suggest any other book titles , I would be more than grateful. I have a topic for a book that should be written in this province, however I don’t think that there is an author that has the
” balls” to do it.
Regards and keep up the good work
Thanks for your note. I have replied by doing a blog post with some suggestions but I’m intrigued by your book idea. What do you have in mind?
Rod McQueen