Number five

My new book landed on the Globe and Mail best-seller list today in the number five slot. I’m in good company with three books by Malcolm Gladwell and one by Eckhart Tolle (praised by Oprah) ahead of me. Gladwell, who is from Elmira, Ontario, has a BlackBerry connection. He and Jim Balsillie, co-CEO of Research In Motion, knew each other at Trinity College and have kept in touch since their college days.

Being on the best-seller list is a real thrill. Thousands of books are published each year that never achieve this status. But I’ve long since learned not to get a swelled head about such things. Best-sellerdom is more about the topic than the author.

I can hear the reader enthusiasm on open-line shows when I’ve been a guest in recent days. Canadians are proud of Research In Motion. Imagine if we had ten such companies in Canada with an equally well-known global brand. We’d feel every day like we did that Sunday when Canada beat the United States in men’s hockey at the Olympics.

1 Response

  1. Michelle says:

    I’ll be at Rotman on Monday, very excited to hear you speak and to read the book! I’m a huge Blackberry fanatic and use it daily in my personal and work life. Very interested in learning more about the early days of RIM.

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