
The day began with breakfast. John Spears from the Toronto Star interviewed me yesterday at Creme de la Creme, a cafe in my neighborhood. His questions about the book were informed and the interview lasted an hour, punctuated by the arrival of a photographer from the newspaper. When the waitress brought my bacon and eggs, she proudly encouraged him to take a picture of the plate “before he messes it up.”

Broadcasters are different from print reporters. I’ve noticed over the years that broadcasters who talk to me about a new book usually have never read the book. That’s OK, as an author you can take charge of the seven minutes alloted. The secret of television is to pay no attention to the question and just give the answers you want.

Evan Solomon, who hosts Power and Politics on CBC-TV, is different. He had read the book and demonstrated his in-depth knowledge by asking specific questions. The outcome taped for his show last night was far better as a result.

Last event in a long day of publicity was the launch, the party to celebrate the completion of the book and its availability in bookstores across Canada. Held at Books for Business at 120 Adelaide Street West in downtown Toronto, the event was a great success. About 50 friends and family attended, nibbled on finger food, drank wine and enjoyed cupcakes decorated with BlackBerrys – the device, not the fruit. We sold lots of books with one attendee buying a record five copies to give as gifts. Turned out he’d had breakfast in the same cafe at the same time when I was interviewed ten hours earlier. Kind of a bookend to the day.

1 Response

  1. Michael says:

    Congratulations on all the recent attention. I recently read your book about Manulife and just happened upon your interview on BNN only moments ago. Looking forward to enjoying the latest creation.

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